Metastock Software

If you are serious about making money in stock trading, it is almost impossible to do it these days without a trading tool or software that works. For anyone wanting to have the unfair advantage in the stock market, you will need a specialized software that gives you the edge over others.

MetaStock is a well known Technical Analysis software created by Equis International (now known as Innovative Market Analysis), formerly a Reuters company. MetaStock is widely used by serious traders and has won multiple awards including the PC Magazine’s Editors’ Choice Award and Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities (TASC) Reader’s Choice awards and having won it for over 20 consecutive years

Asia Charts Pte Ltd is an official reseller of MetaStock in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.

MetaStock is a powerful software that caters to the needs of both sophisticated as well as novice traders.

Depending on the market that you want to trade there are 2 main Metastock versions available:

Metastock Daily Chart

MetaStock D/C is specifically designed for traders who do their analysis after the markets close.

Note: For NON Refinitive Datalink EOD subscribers (i.e. Third Party EOD data users), additional USD10.00 per annum will be billed directly to you by MetaStock. For further enquiries, please contact us.

Metastock Real-Time

Contact office for enquiries

MetaStock R/T is specifically designed for real-time traders-traders who use intra-day data to transact in real-time throughout the trading day.

All these software contains powerful analysis tools to help you make informed decisions about what to buy & sell and when to execute to make the most money possible.

Below is a list of benefits from using MetaStock

  • MetaStock helps you create a system for trading. A coach wouldn’t trade his players or direct his team without a system in place to make the right decisions. Your approach to trading your portfolio should be the same with a systematic, objective plan to make the best possible decisions. MetaStock helps you do this.
  • MetaStock is easily customizable. To feel confident in your trades, you want a system based off your own personal strategies, your tolerance for risk, the instruments that you trade, and your goals.
    MetaStock gives you confidence and an advantage over other traders in the marketplace.
  • MetaStock can be trusted. Equis (and now Innovative Market Analysis), the creator of MetaStock, has been creating powerful financial graphics & technical analysis software since the early 1980’s and they currently have over 150,000 retail customers in 27 countries.
  • MetaStock offers excellent support tools with exceptional built-in Help System.

Some of the more powerful features about MetaStock are their analysis tools such as The Explorer™ and The Expert Advisor.™ Combined these tools with your trading system would makes the tedious task of finding winning securities simple.

MetaStock is a complete package suitable for both novices and expert traders. Despite the rich features and capabilities, MetaStock software are priced affordably that makes it a truly value-for-money investment.

If you are buying the MetaStock End of Day software and would like an affordable and reliable End-Of-Day prices, you can check out our EOD Data solution.


“MetaStock is obviously made by people who understand traders’ needs. It’s a complete package that’s easy to use, no matter what kind of securities you trade. It’s the single tool that’s allowed me to fine-tune my trading approach, pursue my avocation and build a satisfying retirement.”

Michael Alakel

“Often people who know I’m trading very successfully want to know how I do it. I tell them about MetaStock.”

Kevin Campbell

“The new System Tester is very clear and easy to use. Processes are logical, clear, and easy to access using step through screens. Testing multiple securities is a breeze.”

Daryl Guppy
Founder & Director of,
Trader & Author

“…traders now have tools that are unavailable anywhere else. Traders can test multiple systems across multiple securities. Traders can even optimize these systems as they compare them against one another. As an equities trader, this powerful capability gives me confidence in knowing that I’m trading the most profitable – and more importantly – the most robust system for the securities I trade.”

Joel Beck
Full time equities trader

Asia Charts Pte Ltd

Registered Address:
150 South Bridge Road
#06-04B, Fook Hai Building
Singapore 058727

If you have any queries, please contact us.